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Let's Eat #8, Butterfly Cakes

We've had a really lovely day today - nothing fancy and might actually sound a bit boring but it was just what we needed! The children have had a busy week at school and we've been busy at work so we needed a nice relaxing day. Saturday morning is swimming so the mantra is "up, dressed, out" - first class is 8am so there is no time for hanging around!! After that though, we headed home and played! Lovely! No rushing around, didn't have to get ready for anyone, just had a lovely, quiet day. The Little Coeliac is nearing 5 now and her brother is 2 1/2 and they play together so nicely, it is finally actually relaxing to stay in. Before I had children I couldn't understand it when friends would say, "I went to the supermarket for some [squash] (insert your word of choice), I just needed to get out of the house". Why would you need to get out of the house I'd wonder, well now I know. Twelve hours is an incredibly long time to entertain a baby/small toddler and is not relaxing at all!!! But today was great, they played together really nicely, I sorted out all of the toys, found missing lego man arms, missing puzzle pieces etc and the children played make believe, babies, play doh (I know, I braved it, it was their day and as all children do, they love it!!) etc! And of course we had to bake something! I said last week that I'd spied a recipe for Butterfly Cakes in TLC's Nosh Gluten-Free Baking cook book

and they both loved the idea of them so I thought why not. I can remember my Mum cooking trays and trays of these for school and birthday parties. I don't think ours looked quite as smart as hers but in my defense, TLC and her brother made them themselves so I think they look pretty good! As for the taste, well, they were delicious. Similar to last week, ever so light and fluffy and they rose fantastically. The recipe called for both xanthan gum and bicarbonate of soda which the "regular" recipes didn't, I don't know whether that was the secret to our success, but it worked a treat and they were great. I must admit, we didn't have any soft cheese so we didn't make the cheesy icing that we were supposed to and the house was divided as to whether we should have vanilla or chocolate buttercream so we made both and everyone took their pick (most ended up with a mix)!!

They were really easy to made, the ingredients weren't challenging and the outcome was great!! Nana and Pa are visiting tomorrow so hopefully they get the official seal of approval!! :)

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